Why should I use genetic and tumor biomarker testing for my patient?

Patients treated with matched therapies selected through biomarker or genetic testing can live longer. Data from the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s Know Your Tumor® precision medicine service published in Lancet Oncology showed that patients whose tumors had an actionable alteration and went on a matched therapy lived on average one year longer than patients with similar mutations who did not go on a matched therapy or patients whose report did not show actionable alterations.

The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) supports guideline recommendations set by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) for all patients to undergo genetic testing for inherited mutations at diagnosis and for patients to undergo biomarker testing of their tumor tissue unless clinically contraindicated. Genetic testing for inherited mutations can also inform family members of risk independent of family history.

PanCAN offers precision medicine information and resources, including our Know Your Tumor precision medicine service, for you and your patients.

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How does PanCAN's Know Your Tumor service work?

Our Know Your Tumor service, provided in partnership with Tempus, provides you with a testing report that includes treatment options, providing valuable insight to support your treatment decisions.

Treatment options are personalized to your patient and may include:

  • Targeted therapy, which avoids the toxicity of multi-agent chemotherapy
  • Appropriate clinical trials, including molecularly targeted solid tumor trials
  • Off-label treatments that may be particularly effective for your patient’s specific tumor mutations
  • Standard of care treatments

Information provided in the reports can help provide a better understanding of the disease and treatment options.

To get started, refer your patient to reach out to PanCAN Patient Services to enroll. Then, a Tempus representative will reach out to you to discuss the service and provide a tissue collection kit. You will also receive specific instructions for obtaining and shipping tumor tissue, as well as optional blood or saliva sample for genetic testing (tumor/normal matched analysis.) Once Tempus receives your patient’s tumor tissue, please allow 14 days for the complete report of personalized treatment options to be emailed.

Tempus tests through the xT gene panel. The report will include information on both somatic and germline mutations, tumor burden (TMB) and microsatellite instability (MSI). The report includes treatment options, providing valuable insight to support your treatment decisions.

Hundreds of physicians from across the country have received Know Your Tumor reports for their patients. About 26% of patients’ tumors have been found to have at least one actionable alteration.

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Who is eligible to participate?

The criteria listed below will help you decide which of your patients are best suited for the Know Your Tumor service:

  • Patient has diagnosis of pancreatic malignancy
  • Tumor tissue is obtainable (see Tempus Specimen Guidelines)
  • Patient is receiving treatment for a pancreatic cancer diagnosis in the United States and is not imprisoned
  • Patient or close caregiver is able to read and speak English or Spanish
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How long does the process take?

Once Tempus receives your patient’s tumor tissue, please allow 14 days for the complete report of personalized treatment options to be emailed. You may find it appropriate for your patient to start a new-line of treatment while waiting for completion of the report. You and your patient should begin the Know Your Tumor process as soon as possible to ensure the report is available to help inform the patient’s next-line treatment.

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What will Know Your Tumor cost my patient?

Through our Know Your Tumor service, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network will cover the cost of genetic testing for inherited mutations and biomarker testing of your patient’s tumor by the CLIA-certified Tempus laboratory.

Medical procedures – including biopsies – will be billed to the patient’s insurance. The patient will be responsible for any co-pay, co-insurance or insurance deductible associated with a procedure to obtain tumor tissue.

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What if the treatments on the report are not covered by my patient’s insurance?

If your patient has any financial or insurance coverage issues, PanCAN Financial Navigation (in partnership with the Patient Advocate Foundation) may be able to help. They can contact PanCAN Patient Services for more information.

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What is my role during this process?

You play a critical role at every step of the process - from encouraging your patient to enroll, to collecting the tissue and shipping it directly to Tempus for analysis, to reviewing the completed report and working with your patient to determine next steps based on what you learn. Additionally, you and your office must respond to any communication from Tempus in a timely manner in order to ensure you receive your patient’s report as quickly as possible.

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How do I enroll my patients?

Enrollment in Know Your Tumor is a two-part process.

  1. Have your patient contact PanCAN Patient Services at 877-2-PANCAN to enroll in Know Your Tumor.
  2. Once your patient has enrolled, Tempus will reach out to you to provide instructions needed to commence with testing.
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Have More Questions?

Contact PanCAN Patient Services for more information about Know Your Tumor and to help you determine if the service is right for you.