Your Story Matters to Congress!
Tell us who you advocate for and why. We'll share your story with Congress during PanCAN Action Week 2021.
Living to see my kids grow
Rachelle Schultz
My daddy, my hero
Maria Cullipher
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Beautiful Maria!
My hero
Jennifer Victory
George Mourtos
Myra Smith
My Mom watched over me.
Lorraine Larew
PC and died ten months later. She was my best friend and such a wonderful mother and grandmother. Almost 25 years later I was diagnosed with PC. Unlike my mothers my cancer was found early. I have an exceptional gastroenterologist who at my first appointment LISTENED to me. For some strange reason I always knew I would get the cancer that took my mothers life! Having researched PC since my mothers death I learned about PC. When my blood work showed high levels of enzymes and a scan showed IPMNs I went into action! I contacted John’s Hopkins Multidisciplinary Pancreatic Cyst Clinic. I was diagnosed with Stage One PC. Following surgery I had six months of chemo. I am three years from my diagnosis and eternally grateful for the care and treatments I have received through Hopkins. At one point in this journey my husband turned to me while at Hopkins and said he felt I was being guided and watched over because of the miracle of being diagnosed so early. I have a real chance to live a full life! I faced my fears with knowledge about PC. Early detection is the missing link in dealing with PC. So many dedicated professionals are working so hard to develop that step. I hear over and over again that little is known about Stage One Survival because there are so few of us. I am an almost rare statistic and I thank my mom for watching over me! Thanks Mom, three years and counting!
Fighting to survive
Kim Manuppelli
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Never give up. Never give up. You are a role model. Thank you.
Brittany Bowers