Annette Fetty-Santilli, Community Advocate for West Virginia, lost her brother Jim to pancreatic cancer in 2007. She decided to dedicate her volunteer efforts to advocacy, hoping to increase federal research funding. Annette and her young daughter, Stephanie, regularly participate in Advocacy Day and works hard to make sure Congress makes pancreatic cancer research funding a priority.
“I thrive on developing relationships with legislators and their staff members and enjoy educating them about important issues at the local, state and federal level,” Fetty-Santilli said.
Fetty-Santilli leads a great base of volunteers and has secured the most proclamations of any Community Advocate. She also recently received the “Sharing of Self” Living the Dream Award from the West Virginia Martin Luther King Jr. State Holiday Commission. This annual award recognizes someone who has given incredible service to others in their community.
When asked why people should get involved in the fight against pancreatic cancer, Annette noted that by volunteering, you are honoring those who have passed from the disease as well as helping patients currently fighting.
“Volunteering is a way to honor your loved one’s legacy and communicate to patients that you are fighting for them!”
Are you passionate about Advocacy and increasing federal research funding for pancreatic cancer? Check out how you can participate in Advocacy Days in June.