Pancreatic cancer clinical trials are the way researchers determine whether new treatments are beneficial to people living with pancreatic cancer. Patient enrollment in these clinical trials is critical to moving the science forward for this complex cancer. Consider this: great advancements have been made in treating many childhood cancers, resulting in strong survival rates. How did this happen? More than 70 percent of parents choose a clinical trial for their child who has been diagnosed with cancer. High participation in clinical research leads to increased information, more trials, and additional treatment options.
But currently, only about 4.5 percent of pancreatic cancer patients enroll in clinical trials. Often we find that patients have misconceptions about what it means to participate in a clinical trial, so they don’t consider it. But clinical trials give pancreatic cancer patients access to treatments that may be more effective than those available outside of clinical trials. “It is important to know that a patient in a pancreatic cancer clinical trial never gets just a placebo — or ‘sugar pill.’ All patients in pancreatic cancer clinical trials receive an active cancer treatment — either the new treatment or the standard best known treatment option,” explains Anitra Talley, director of patient services and medical relations at the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
We recommend that pancreatic cancer patients consider participation in a clinical trial when making treatment decisions. Those diagnosed with the disease or their loved ones can call our PanCAN Patient Services Case Managers to get a personalized clinical trials search. Case Managers can answer all questions about the clinical trials process, and provide detailed trial information for patients to discuss with family and physicians.
Clinical trial participants are heroes. A patient who participates in a trial not only gets the possibility of receiving a promising new treatment, but also creates a personal legacy to all who will battle this disease in the future. Any medication or drug available to us today is available only because others before us were willing to participate in a clinical trial that allowed researchers to find that medication’s benefit.
For more detailed information on clinical trials, please view our informative video.
Contact PanCAN Patient Services at 877-272-6226, Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Pacific Time, or via our contact form for more information or a personalized clinical trials search.