The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) Executive Team is a group of dedicated professionals, some of whom have been personally touched by the disease, who bring significant experience and expertise to leading the organization from major nonprofit and for-profit companies in the United States. The Leadership Team is based in the national headquarters in Manhattan Beach, Calif., and the Government Affairs & Advocacy office in Washington, D.C.
The National Board of Directors comprises committed individuals with exceptional expertise in business, higher education, fundraising, legislation and legal issues. Each member of our board of directors has lost one or more loved ones to pancreatic cancer.
The Scientific and Medical Advisory Board (SMAB) is composed of leading cancer scientists, clinicians and healthcare professionals from institutions across the United States who specialize in pancreatic cancer. The SMAB provides scientific and clinical expertise to guide us in planning and implementing our research initiatives and our information and education services for patients, their families and caregivers, and healthcare professionals.
The Emeritus Scientific and Medical Advisory Board includes scientists and clinicians who have previously served on our Scientific and Medical Advisory Board. These scientists and physicians continue to provide guidance and expertise on our programs and services as circumstances warrant.
The Volunteer Advisory Council (VAC) is a group of Pancreatic Cancer Action Network volunteers who provide feedback and advice to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network with regard to the Community Engagement program, volunteer affiliate network and other initiatives of the organization.
The Survivor Council is a group of volunteers created to ensure the survivors’ voice, experience and expertise are integrated into the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s programs and initiatives.
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