“I surely never would have wanted a personal reason to volunteer with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. But I have one, Candace said.
“My dad always taught me to help out when possible, to stand up for what was right, to always push myself a little farther, and most importantly, he taught me that if it was worth doing, it was worth doing right.
“So when he passed away from pancreatic cancer right before Christmas in 2010 (just a couple of months after his diagnosis), I couldn’t think of a better way to honor his legacy than to volunteer for an organization working to improve the lives of pancreatic cancer patients.”
Through volunteering, Candace is also being a role model to her three children – his grandchildren.
She admitted that volunteers work hard, no doubt. Especially when they’re planning a PurpleStride! But there is no better reward than being thanked by a participant after the event,” she said.
“At PurpleStride Omaha a couple years ago, I met a college student who had just learned about the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network when she signed up to do community service for a few hours that day. But she told me her uncle had passed away from the disease. The following year, I saw her at PurpleStride again. She said she had registered for the event in memory of her uncle and that she had brought along her sister and mother, too.”
Stories like these, Candace said, make all the hard work and effort worthwhile.