Cheryl Holbrook lost her husband, Bill, to pancreatic cancer in 1998 – six months after his diagnosis.
“He was 44 years old and the love of my life,” Holbrook said. “I’m fighting to get rid of pancreatic cancer.”
Holbrook has been involved in many aspects of volunteering. She has been a volunteer emergency coordinator for PurpleStride Columbus since 2004, and she is always looking for new ways to make an impact.
“I’ve always been involved with wonderful people who are working hard to beat this horrible disease,” Holbrook said. “This last fall, I raised money with my fellow firefighters during their Movember Cancer Campaign (to raise awareness for men’s health). We used the Wage Hope My Way platform, ultimately encouraging the police officers to raise funds to honor one of their brothers in our upcoming PurpleStride.”
Holbrook has been at every PurpleStride and PurpleLight in Columbus. She has also attended Advocacy Day and volunteer leadership training. Through all of her experiences, Holbrook remembers Advocacy Day as being a very important experience for her.
“Advocacy Day was the most important effort I’d ever made toward this cause. We meant business on Capitol Hill and were treated with respect. I have also secured proclamations for National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and World Pancreatic Cancer Day.”
Directly fund efforts to fight pancreatic cancer and make an impact by getting involved! Learn about what’s happening in your area!