Charlotte Gastro employees at PanCAN PurpleStride
Charlotte Gastroenterology and Hepatology has been all-in as a PanCAN PurpleStride Charlotte sponsor since 2013. For PanCAN PurpleStride 2022, Charlotte Gastro is the Premier Sponsor of the event. Throughout their six offices and four endoscopy centers, Charlotte Gastro employees will wear purple every Friday leading up to PurpleStride, host friendly fundraising competitions between offices and encourage patients and staff to attend and join their team, promoting with posters in their waiting rooms.
In addition to all the activity leading up to this year’s One Big Day, what is Jason Wilson, MD, Co-Director of Charlotte Gastro’s Research Department, looking forward to most?
“My old patients,” Dr. Wilson said. “I see them during a very tough time, maybe the toughest time of their life, so it is great to see them in a relaxed and fun environment.”
“And when I see survivors, I see hope,” he said. “That is incredibly important for anyone fighting against cancer.”
Dr. Wilson is encouraged about the progress of research and screening for pancreatic cancer.
“If we can find the tumors at an early stage that would make a big difference in survival. In fact, if found at the earliest stage many tumors can be cured with surgery. Screening tests are now available for high-risk patients, with a family history or certain genetic mutations,” states Dr. Wilson.
“These screening tests, an MRI or endoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas, are available for high-risk patients with a family history or certain genetic mutations,” he said.
And Dr. Wilson believes that as a gastroenterologist, he CAN make a difference, with the potential of an earlier diagnosis.
PanCAN PurpleStride is an important part of Charlotte Gastroenterology’s mission to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer and other diseases, and educating in their local community and beyond.