We’ve learned a lot about pancreatic cancer in recent years, and we now know that every patient’s cancer is different and requires personalized care.
A study recently published in JAMA Oncology underscores the importance of moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach for the treatment of cancer. The research team compared data from phase 1 trials that took a biomarker-based (personalized) approach to trials that were not treated based on biomarkers. They found a striking difference – patients who were assigned treatment based on their tumor’s molecular profile showed a response rate of 30.6 percent, as compared to a 4.9 percent response rate in patients who were treated without regard to biomarker expression.
Our Know Your TumorSM service provides eligible pancreatic cancer patients and their oncologists with information about the biology of their tumor. Reports can help determine treatments that might improve a patient’s condition and might not have been considered otherwise. The report and treatment options are reviewed by an expert panel, providing valuable insight to help support the treatment decisions you make with your healthcare team. Findings from these reports also contribute to future research and development of new therapies and diagnoses for pancreatic cancer, bringing us closer to our goal of doubling survival by 2020. To date, more than 750 patients have enrolled in this valuable service.
For more information or to enroll in Know Your Tumor, contact PanCAN Patient Services by calling 877-272-6226 or by completing our contact form. Case Managers are available Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m. PT.