PanCAN Scientific Summit 2024
September 14 & 15, 2024 | Boston
For questions, please contact
Dream Big. Believe Big. Do Big.
PanCAN’s Community for Progress has been leading the way in the fight against pancreatic cancer for over two decades. We are grateful for you – the groundbreaking scientists, clinicians, patients, industry champions and donors advancing research and improving outcomes for patients faced with pancreatic cancer. Together, we are making a difference when it comes to this tough disease.
This September, we invite you to join us in Boston for PanCAN Scientific Summit 2024! During our program, you’ll have the opportunity to:
- Meet and collaborate with researchers from across the country, including PanCAN’s young investigators as well as senior research grant recipients and advisers.
- Learn about emerging science and our top research priorities, including advancing treatment options and early detection strategies for patients.
- Talk with patient research advocates, colleagues and industry champions all working to make a difference for patients and families.
When the Summit ends, we hope you stay in Boston to attend the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Special Conference: Pancreatic Cancer.
Over the years, our big dreams have led to real progress. We look forward to celebrating all that we have accomplished together for patients and families. Thank you for joining us!
Registration is now closed.
For questions, please email
All Times Eastern
Saturday, September 14, 2024
5:30 — 6:30 p.m.
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board Kickoff Reception (invite only)
Exeter Room, Mezzanine Level
6:30 — 8:30 p.m.
General Reception
The Square, Lobby Level
Welcome Remarks
Julie Fleshman, JD, MBA, PanCAN President and CEO
Poster Session
2023 Career Development Awards
Immunopeptidomics to Accelerate Immunotherapies in Pancreas Cancer
William Freed-Pastor, MD, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Grant funded in memory of Llewellyn Bixby IV, through a gift made by his family
Use of Supportive Care Medications Among Older Adults with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer
Arjun Gupta, MD, University of Minnesota Medical School
Grant funded by an anonymous donor
Trajectories of Health Care Contact Days for Veterans with Pancreatic Cancer
Arjun Gupta, MD, University of Minnesota Medical School
Grant funded by an anonymous donor
Mechanisms of Cancer-Nerve Dynamics in Pancreatic Cancer
Peter Wang, PhD, presenting on behalf of William L. Hwang, MD, PhD, Massachusetts General Hospital
Grant funded by Rick Star in Memory of Janet Ranta Star
Role of Stromal Cadherin 11 in Chemotherapy Response in Pancreatic Cancer
Ivana Peran, PhD, Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
2023 Fellowship Awards
Glycine availability in the PDAC tumor microenvironment as a driver of chemoresistance
Guillaume Cognet, PhD, University of Chicago
Grant funded by The Francois Wallace Monahan Fund in loving memory of Michael Insel
Understanding mechanisms of response and resistance to RAS-pathway inhibition in pancreatic cancer
Julien Dilly, MS, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Grant funded by The Francois Wallace Monahan Fund in loving memory of Michael Insel
Treatment-related Awards
Pelareorep + mFOLFIRINOX +/- atezolizumab for the treatment of 1L mPDAC
Ruimei (Linda) Li, MD, PhD, presenting on behalf of Thomas Heineman, MD, PhD, Oncolytics Biotech, Inc.
Grant supported in memory of Skip Viragh
Proglumide and the Pancreatic Cancer Microenvironment
Jill P. Smith, MD, Georgetown University
Grant extension funded by Kenneth D. Custance and Gladys C. Custance, honoring the memory of Martha ‘Molly’ Reed Woodroofe
Pancreatic Cancer UK Awards
Unravelling fibroinflammatory and immune signatures for pancreatic cancer early detection
Pilar Acedo, PhD, University College London
Treatment of pancreatic tumours with therapeutic ultrasound
Petros Mouratidis, PhD, The Institute of Cancer Research, London
Transcription factor switching drives progression of the classical subtype of pancreatic cancer
Shalini Rao, PhD, Cancer Research UK, University of Cambridge
Identifying and Characterizing Cancer Initiating Cells Driving PanIN Progression and Tumour Development in Pancreatic Cancer
Beatriz Salvador, PhD, Cardiff University
Identification of therapeutic vulnerabilities in the subset of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) with homologous recombination deficiency
Mathias Tesson, PhD, Cancer Research UK, Scotland Institute
Sunday, September 15, 2024
7:30 — 8:20 a.m.
The Square, Lobby Level
8:30 a.m. — 3:15 p.m.
Scientific Sessions
Avenue 34, Lobby Level
8:30 — 8:35 a.m.
Eileen O’Reilly, MD, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Chair, PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
8:35 — 9 a.m.
PanCAN: 25 Years + Counting – Pioneering the Next Breakthroughs
Julie Fleshman, JD, MBA
9 — 9:30 a.m.
Early Detection
Session Facilitator: Lynn Matrisian, PhD, MBA, PanCAN Chief Science Officer
Updates on the Early Detection Initiative (EDI), the cohort (REGARD), and the case-control (PANDORA) studies identifying cases of pancreatic cancer in individuals with new-onset diabetes (NOD) and new-onset prediabetes (NOPD)
Suresh Chari, MD, MD Anderson Cancer Center
2022 Catalyst Award funded by The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation honoring the memory of Shirley Sadoff
9:30 — 10 a.m.
PanCAN's SPARK – Partnering with PanCAN's Health Data
Session Facilitator: Sudheer Doss, PhD, PanCAN Chief Business Officer
Computational Histology AI as a predictive biomarker for first line treatment selection in PDA
Eric A. Collisson, MD, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Genialis™ krasID: Biology-Driven Machine Learning to Personalize KRAS Inhibitor Therapy in Pancreatic Cancer and Beyond
Joshua Wheeler, MD, PhD, Genialis, Inc.
10 — 10:40 a.m.
2022 Career Development Awards, part 1
Session Facilitators: Julie Fleshman, JD, MBA, Eileen O’Reilly, MD
10 — 10:20 a.m.
The Role of PP2A in Regulating Pancreatic Cancer Macropinocytosis
Brittany Allen-Petersen, PhD, Purdue University
Grant funded by The Rockhammer Charitable Fund
10:20 — 10:40 a.m.
A Novel Mechanism of MDSC-mediated Stromal and T-cell Dysregulation in PDAC
Jashodeep Datta, MD, University of Miami
Grant funded by an anonymous donor
10:40 — 10:55 a.m.
11 a.m. — 12:40 p.m.
2022 Career Development Awards, part 2
Session Facilitators: Julie Fleshman, JD, MBA, Eileen O’Reilly, MD
11 — 11:20 a.m.
KRAS G12R Metabolic Reprogramming Alters Therapeutic Sensitivity
G. Aaron Hobbs, PhD, Medical University of South Carolina Hollings Cancer Center
Grant funded in memory of Skip Viragh
11:20 — 11:40 a.m.
Immunobiological Factors Associated with Pancreatic Cancer Disparities
Janielle Maynard, PhD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Grant funded by the Chrysalis Fund at the Ventura County Community Foundation
11:40 — noon
Neuronal Checkpoint Signaling in Pancreas Cancer Pain
Jami Saloman, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Grant funded in memory of Skip Viragh
Noon — 12:20 p.m.
Microbial TMAO: Boosting Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Rahul Shinde, PhD, Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center, The Wistar Institute
Grant funded by an anonymous donor
12:20 — 12:40 p.m.
Remote Nutrition Monitoring for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Patients
Kea Turner, PhD, Moffitt Cancer Center
Grant funded by an anonymous donor
12:40 — 1:30 p.m.
The Square, Lobby Level
1:40 — 3:15 p.m.
Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Approaches
1:40 — 2 p.m.
PanCAN Precision Promise® Update
Anna Berkenblit, MD, MMSc, PanCAN Chief Scientific & Medical Officer
2 — 2:20 p.m.
Phase 1/2 Trial of Avutometinib + Defactinib and GEM + Nab-P in Metastatic PDAC
Sheena Clift, PhD, presenting on behalf of John Hayslip, MD, Verastem Oncology
2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Award supported by 1440 Foundation, the Gail V. Coleman-Kenneth M. Bruntel Research Fund, Lyda Hill Philanthropies, The Bern Schwartz Family Foundation, and in memory of Skip Viragh
2:20 — 2:45 p.m.
2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Collaborative Awards Lightning Talks
Session Facilitator: Lynn Matrisian, PhD, MBA
Preclinical and Translational Studies to Inform the Development of Strategies Targeting the KRAS Pathway
Gregory L. Beatty, MD, PhD, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Grant funded in memory of Llewellyn Bixby IV, through a gift made by his family
Determine How FAK/MEK Inhibition Alters Tumor-Microenvironment Interactions and the Immune Response
David DeNardo, PhD, Washington University in St. Louis
Tumor Microenvironment Determinants of Resistance to KRAS/FAK Inhibition
Marina Pasca di Magliano, PhD, University of Michigan
Grant funded by The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation honoring the memory of Shirley Sadoff
Determination of Novel RAF/MEK and/or FAK Inhibitor Combinations in KRAS-mutant PDAC
Kirsten Bryant, PhD, and Channing Der, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Grant funded in memory of Llewellyn Bixby IV, through a gift made by his family
Identify Genetic and Phenotypic Mechanisms of Response or Resistance to RAF/MEKi +/- FAKi in Pancreatic Cancer
Andrew Aguirre, MD, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Grant funded by The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation honoring the memory of Shirley Sadoff
2:45 — 3:05 p.m.
2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Collaborative Awards Panel Discussion
3:05 — 3:10 p.m.
Closing Remarks
Eileen O’Reilly, MD
3:15 — 4 p.m.
Coffee and Networking
The Loft, Lobby Level
50 Park Plaza, Boston, MA 02116
The Hilton Boston Park Plaza is about 5 miles from the Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) and about 0.6 miles from Copley Place where the AACR Special Conference: Pancreatic Cancer 2024 is taking place Sept. 15 - 18.
Please check back for more information.
Suresh Chari, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Affiliation: Early Detection Initiative, 2022 Catalyst Award funded by Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation honoring the memory of Shirley Sadoff
Topic: Updates on the Early Detection Initiative (EDI), the cohort (REGARD), and the case-control (PANDORA) studies identifying cases of pancreatic cancer in individuals with new-onset diabetes (NOD) and new-onset prediabetes (NOPD)
Eric A. Collisson, MD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Affiliation: Health Data
Topic: Computational Histology AI as a predictive biomarker for first line treatment selection in PDA
Joshua Wheeler, MD, PhD
Genialis, Inc.
Affiliation: Health Data
Topic: Topic: Genialis™ krasID: Biology-Driven Machine Learning to Personalize KRAS Inhibitor Therapy in Pancreatic Cancer and Beyond
Brittany Allen-Petersen, PhD
Purdue University
Grant: 2022 Career Development Award, funded by The Rockhammer Charitable Fund
Topic: The Role of PP2A in Regulating Pancreatic Cancer Macropinocytosis
Jashodeep Datta, MD
University of Miami
Grant: 2022 Career Development Award, funded by an anonymous donor
Topic: A Novel Mechanism of MDSC-mediated Stromal and T-cell Dysregulation in PDAC
G. Aaron Hobbs, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina Hollings Cancer Center
Grant: 2022 Career Development Award, funded in memory of Skip Viragh
Topic: KRAS G12R Metabolic Reprogramming Alters Therapeutic Sensitivity
Janielle Maynard, PhD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Grant: 2022 Career Development Award, funded by the Chrysalis Fund at the Ventura County Community Foundation
Topic: Immunobiological Factors Associated with Pancreatic Cancer Disparities
Jami Saloman, PhD
University of Pittsburgh
Grant: 2022 Career Development Award, funded in memory of Skip Viragh
Topic: Neuronal Checkpoint Signaling in Pancreas Cancer Pain
Rahul Shinde, PhD
Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center, The Wistar Institute
Grant: 2022 Career Development Award, funded by an anonymous donor
Topic: Microbial TMAO: Boosting Pancreatic Cancer Treatment
Kea Turner, PhD
Moffitt Cancer Center
Grant: 2022 Career Development Award, funded by an anonymous donor
Topic: Remote Nutrition Monitoring for Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Patients
Sheena Clift, PhD, presenting on behalf of John Hayslip, MD
Verastem Oncology
Grant: 2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Award supported by the 1440 Foundation, the Gail V. Coleman-Kenneth M. Bruntel Research Fund, Lyda Hill Philanthropies, The Bern Schwartz Family Foundation, and in memory of Skip Viragh
Topic: Phase 1/2 Trial of Avutometinib + Defactinib and GEM + Nab-P in Metastatic PDAC
Gregory L. Beatty, MD, PhD
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Grant: 2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Collaborative Award, funded in memory of Llewellyn Bixby IV, through a gift made by his family
Topic: Preclinical and Translational Studies to Inform the Development of Strategies Targeting the KRAS Pathway
David DeNardo, PhD
Washington University in St. Louis
Grant: 2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Collaborative Award
Topic: Determine How FAK/MEK Inhibition Alters Tumor-Microenvironment Interactions and the Immune Response
Marina Pasca di Magliano, PhD
University of Michigan
Grant: 2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Collaborative Award, funded by The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation honoring the memory of Shirley Sadoff
Topic: Tumor Microenvironment Determinants of Resistance to KRAS/FAK Inhibition
Kirsten Bryant, PhD, and Channing Der, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Grant: 2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Collaborative Award, funded in memory of Llewellyn Bixby IV, through a gift made by his family
Topic: Determination of Novel RAF/MEK and/or FAK Inhibitor Combinations in KRAS-mutant PDAC
Andrew Aguirre, MD, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Grant: 2022 Therapeutic Accelerator Collaborative Award, funded by The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation honoring the memory of Shirley Sadoff
Topic: Identify Genetic and Phenotypic Mechanisms of Response or Resistance to RAF/MEKi +/- FAKi in Pancreatic Cancer
University College London
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Deyaa Adib, MD
Andy Aguirre, MD, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Brittany Allen-Petersen, PhD
Purdue University
Dafna Bar-Sagi, PhD
NYU Langone Health
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Susan Bates, MD
Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Gregory Beatty, MD, PhD
University of Pennsylvania
Grantee, PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Precision Promise
Jonathan Brody, PhD
Oregon Health & Science University
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Kirsten Bryant, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Suresh Chari, MD
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Grantee, PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Early Detection Initiative
Gabi Chiorean, MD
University of Washington/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Precision Promise
Sheena Clift, PhD
Verastem Oncology
Guillaume Cognet, PhD
University of Chicago
Eric Collisson, MD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Howard Crawford, PhD
Henry Ford Pancreatic Cancer Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Jash Datta, MD
University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
Grantee, PanCAN Precision Promise
David DeNardo, PhD
Washington University, St. Louis
Channing Der, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Grantee, PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board Emeritus
Julien Dilly, PhD Candidate
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Stephanie Dougan, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
PanCAN Precision Promise
Ralph Francescone, PhD
Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University
Will Freed-Pastor, MD, PhD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Arjun Gupta, MD
University of Minnesota
Weill Cornell Medicine/NewYork Presbyterian
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Precision Promise
Aaron Hobbs, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina
Tony Hollingsworth, PhD
University of Nebraska Medical Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Anirudh Joshi, MSc
Valar Labs
Viswesh Krishna
Valar Labs
Paul Kurywchak, PhD
Skipper Bio Med
Ashley Laursen, PhD
Linda Li, MD, PhD
Oncolytics Biotech Inc.
Andrew Lowy, MD
Moores Cancer Center, UC San Diego
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Charlotte Lynch, MSc
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Chris Macdonald, PhD
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Sanjana Mahapatra, PhD
Skipper Bio Med
Shounak Majumder, MD
Mayo Clinic
PanCAN Early Detection Initiative
Meg Mandelson, MD, MPH
Benaroya Research Institute
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board Emeritus
Janielle Maynard, PhD
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Ashley Mello, PhD Candidate
University of Michigan
PanCAN DE&I Scholar
Nipun Merchant, MD
University of Miami
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Precision Promise
Petros Mouratidis, PhD
The Institute of Cancer Research, London
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Nick Nissen, MD
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Eileen O'Reilly, MD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Precision Promise
Shubham Pant, MD
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Marina Pasca Di Magliano, PhD
University of Michigan
Grantee, PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Ivana Peran, PhD
Georgetown-Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Jenny Permuth, PhD
Moffitt Cancer Center
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Philip Philip, MD, PhD
Wayne State University School of Medicine/Henry Ford Health
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Virginia Mason
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Precision Promise
Mary Pinder-Schenck, MD
Revolution Medicines
Mike Pishvaian, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Daniel Pointing, MSc
Genialis, Inc
Philippe Pultar, MD
Verastem Oncology
Shalini Rao, PhD
Cancer Research UK, University of Cambridge
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Nicolette Rodriguez, MD, MPH
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Daniel Salas-Escabillas, PhD
Henry Ford Pancreatic Cancer Center
PanCAN DE&I Scholar
Jami Saloman, PhD
University of Pittsburgh Hillman Cancer Center
Beatriz Salvador, PhD
Cardiff University
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Rosie Sears, PhD
Oregon Health & Science University
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Mandana Sheybani, PharmD
Rahul Shinde, PhD
The Wistar Institute
Jill Smith, MD
Georgetown University
Dustin Srinivas, PhD
Skipper Bio Med
Sapna Syngal, MD, MPH
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Grantee, PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board
Margaret Tempero, MD
University of California, San Francisco
PanCAN Scientific and Medical Advisory Board, PanCAN Precision Promise
Mathias Tesson, PhD
CRUK Scotland Institute
Pancreatic Cancer UK
Kea Turner, PhD
Moffitt Cancer Center
Markus Vallaster, MD, PhD
Astellas Pharmaceuticals
Peter Wang, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Josh Wheeler, MD, PhD
Genialis, Inc
Catherine Whittington, PhD
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Department of Biomedical Engineering
Haochen Zhang, PhD
Valar Labs
Is financial support available?
PanCAN grantees and Scientific Summit presenters will be contacted individually regarding travel and lodging reimbursement. We will not be able to offer financial support for other attendees this year. Please reach out to if you have further questions.
Are discounted room rates available at the Hilton Boston Park Plaza for Scientific Summit attendees?
A limited number of king superior rooms have been set aside at our negotiated rate of $319+ tax during the Summit. This rate is available from Friday, Sept. 13 through Monday, Sept. 16. Please book directly with the hotel. Discounted rooms are first come, first served. Check-in time at the hotel is 3 p.m., check-out is 11 a.m. Please request early check-in or late check-out directly with the hotel.
NOTE: If you are a poster presenter or speaker at Summit, we will reserve a guestroom on your behalf for the night of Saturday, Sept. 14. No action is required on your part.
I will be flying to the Summit. Which airport is closest?
The Boston Logan Airport (BOS) is located about 5 miles from the hotel. Allow at least 20 minutes transfer time as traffic can be heavy.
I am driving to the Summit. Is there parking at the Hilton Boston Park Plaza?
Valet parking is available at the hotel. The valet parking entrance is at 34 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA 02116. Self-parking is available with LAZ Parking, 200 Stuart St., Boston, MA, 02116. Get more information or reserve your space in advance.
What is the attire for the Summit?
The attire for the Reception and Summit is business/business casual. Layers are recommended as room temperatures can vary. As always, we encourage you to wear purple to show your support for the pancreatic cancer cause!
How can I confirm my Scientific Summit registration?
Online registrations are confirmed by e-mail immediately following submission. If you have questions about your registration, or need to make changes, please contact our team at
I have additional questions. Whom can I contact?
Please contact our team at We are happy to help and provide more information.
We're looking forward to seeing you at PanCAN Scientific Summit 2022 on September 12 & 13 in Boston, MA