Library of Publications
In this area, you will find publications regarding research projects funded by the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.
Nolz JC, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Billadeau DD. TCR/CD28-stimulated actin dynamics are required for NFAT1-mediated transcription of c-rel leading to CD28 response element activation. J Immunol, 2007;179:1104-1112.
Fernandez-Zapico ME. GL1: more than Hedgehog? Pancreatology, 2008 (in press).
Fernandez-Zapico ME. P300-GLI, a novel mediator of Hedgehog survival function. Biochemical J (under review).
Kashiwagi H, Hawkins WG, et al. Selective sigma-2 ligands preferentially bind to pancreatic adenocarcinomas: applications in diagnostic imaging and therapy. Mol Cancer. 2007;15;6:48.
Kashiwagi H, Hawkins WG, et al. Sigma-2 receptor ligands potentiate other conventional therapies and improve survival in model of pancreas cancer. Cancer Research (under review).
Kashiwagi H, Hawkins WG, et al. Targeted delivery of proapoptotic therapeutics in pancreas cancer. Cancer Research (under review).
Kelly KA, Bardeesy N, Anbazhagan R, Gurumurthy S, Berger J, Alencar H, DePinho RA, Mahmood U, Weissleder R. Targeted Nanoparticles for Imaging Incipient Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma. PLoS Med, 2008;5(4):e85. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050085.
Tinder TL, Subramani DB, Basu GD, Bradley JM, Schettini J, Million A, Skaar T, Mukherjee P. MUC1 enhances tumor progression and contributes toward immunosuppression in a mouse model of spontaneous pancreatic adenocarcinoma. J Immunology, 2008.181: 3116 – 3125.
Basu GD, Tinder TL, Subramani DB, Bradley JM, Arefayene A, Skaar T, De Petris G, Mukherjee P. Progression of pancreatic adenocarcinoma is significantly impeded with a combination of vaccine and COX-2 inhibition. J. Immunology, 2008.
Schettini JL, Tinder TL, Mukherjee P. Antitumor activity of NK cells is locally enhanced by CpG-conjugated to a tumor-specific monoclonal antibody. Ninety Ninth Annual American Association of Cancer Research Proceedings, April 2008, #3805.
Liang JJ, Wang H, Rashid A, Tan T-H, Hwang RF, Hamilton SR, Abbruzzese JL, Evans DB. Expression of MAP4K4 is associated with worse prognosis in patients with stage II pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Clinical Cancer Research, 2008.
Wang H, Song X, Logsdon C, Zhou G, Evans DB, Abbruzzese JL, Hamilton SR, Tan T-H. Proteasome mediated degradation and the functions of hematopoietic progenitor kinase-1 in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Research (in revision).
Chen R, Pan S, Cooke K, White KN, Bronner MP, Goodlett DR, Aebersold R, Brentnall TA. Comparison of pancreas juice proteins from cancer versus pancreatitis using quantitative proteomic analysis. Pancreas, 2007;34(1):70-79.
Chen R, Brentnall TA, Pan S, Cook K, Moyes KW, Crispin DA, Goodlett DR, Aebersold R, Bronner MP. Quantitative proteomic analysis reveals that proteins differentially expressed in chronic pancreatitis are also frequently involved in pancreatic cancer. Mol.Cell Proteomics, 2007;6(8):1331-42.
Chen R, Pan S, Aebersold R, Brentnall TA. Proteomic studies of pancreatic cancer. Proteomics-Clinical Application, 2007;1(12):1582-1591.
Chen R, Brentnall TA, Aebersold R. Applications of stable isotope tagging based quantitative proteomics in cancer research. In Clinical Proteomics. Jennifer E. Van Eyk and Mike Dunn (eds). Wiley-VCH. 2008.
McPhee JT, Hill JS, Whalen GF, Zayruzny M, Litwin DE, Sullivan ME, Anderson FA, Tseng JF. Perioperative mortality for pancreatectomy: a national perspective. Annals of Surgery, 2007; 246(2):246-253.
Tseng JF, Pisters PW, Lee JE, Wang H, Gomez HF, Sun CC, Evans DB. The learning curve in pancreatic surgery. Surgery, 2007;141(5):694-701.
Smith JK, McPhee JT, Hill JS, Whalen GF, Sullivan ME, Litwin DE, Anderson FA, Tseng JF. National outcomes after gastric resection for neoplasm. Arch Surg, 2007;142(4):387-393.
Wei D, Kana M, Jia Z, Le X, Xie K. Krüppel-like factor 4 induces p27Kip1 expression in and suppresses the growth and metastasis of human pancreatic cancer cells. Cancer Res, 2008;68: 4631-4639.
Strasberg SM, Linehan DC, Hawkins WG. Radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy procedure for adenocarcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas: ability to obtain negative tangential margins. J Am Coll Surg, 2007.
Kashiwagi H, McDunn JE, Goedegebuure PS, Gaffney MC, Chang K, Trinkaus K, Piwnica-Worms D, Hotchkiss RS, Hawkins WG. TAT-bim induces extensive apoptosis in cancer cells. Ann Surg Oncol, 2007;14(5)1763-1771.
Pierce RA, Spitler JA, Hawkins WG, Strasberg SM, Linehan DC, Halpin VJ, Eagon JC, Brunt LM, Frisella MM, Matthews BD. Outcomes analysis of Iaparoscopic resection of pancreatic neoplasms. Surg Endosc, 2007;21(4):579-586.
Thaker RI, Matthews BD, Linehan DC, Strasberg SM, Eagon JC, Hawkins WG. Absorbable mesh reinforcement of a stapled pancreatic transection line reduces the leak rate with distal pancreatectomy. J Gastrointest Surg, 2007;11:59-65.
Kashiwagi H, McDunn JE, Simon Jr PO, Goedegebuure PS, Xu J, Jones L, Chang K, Johnston F, Trinkaus K, Hotchkiss RS, Mach RH, Hawkins WG. Selective sigma-2 ligands preferentially bind to pancreatic adenocarcinomas: applications in diagnostic imaging and therapy. Molecular Cancer, 2007;6:48.
Izeradjene K, Combs C, Best M, Gopinathan A, Wagner A, Grady WM, Deng C, Hruban RH, Adsay NV, Tuveson DA, Hingorani SR. Oncogenic KrasG12D and Smad4/Dpc4 haploinsufficiency cooperate to induce mucinous cystic neoplasms and invasive adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Cancer Cell, 2007;11:229-243.
Hingorani SR. Location, location, location: precursors and prognoses for pancreatic cancer. Gastroenterology,2007;133:345-350.
Izeradjene K, Hingorani SR. Targets, trials and travails in pancreas cancer. JNCCN, 2007;5(10):1042-1053.
Ivan M, Harris AL, Martelli F, Kulshreshtha R. Hypoxia response and microRNAs: no longer two separate worlds. J Cell Mol Med, 2008, June 23. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 18624759 [PubMed -- as supplied by publisher]
Borger DR, Gavrilescu LC, Bucur MC, Ivan M, Decaprio JA. AMP-activated protein kinase is essential for survival in chronic hypoxia. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2008;30:370(2):230-234. Epub 2008 Mar 24. PMID: 18359290 [PubMed -- indexed for MEDLINE]
Kulshreshtha R, Davuluri RV, Calin GA, Ivan M. A microRNA component of the hypoxic response. Cell Death Differ, 2008;15(4):667-671. Epub 2008 Jan 25. Review. PMID: 18219318 [PubMed -- indexed for MEDLINE]
Fabbri M, Ivan M, Cimmino A, Negrini M, Calin GA. Regulatory mechanisms of microRNAs involvement in cancer. Expert Opin Biol Ther, 2007;7(7):1009-19. Review. PMID: 17665990 [PubMed -- indexed for MEDLINE]
Kulshreshtha R, Ferracin M, Negrini M, Calin GA, Davuluri RV, Ivan M. Regulation of microRNA expression: the hypoxic component. Cell Cycle, 2007;6(12):1426-31. Epub 2007 May 7. Review. PMID: 17582223 [PubMed -- indexed for MEDLINE]
Kulshreshtha R, Ferracin M, Wojcik SE, Garzon R, Alder H, Agosto-Perez FJ, Davuluri R, Liu CG, Croce CM, Negrini M, Calin GA, Ivan M. A microRNA signature of hypoxia. Mol Cell Biol, 2007;27(5):1859-1867. Epub 2006 Dec 28. PMID: 17194750 [PubMed -- indexed for MEDLINE]
Mullendore ME, Koorstra J-B, Li Y, Offerhaus GJ, Fan X, Henderson CM, Matsui W, Eberhart CG, Maitra A, Feldmann G. Ligand-dependent notch signaling is involved in tumor initiation and tumor maintenance in pancreatic cancer. (under review).
Ko AH, Hwang J, Venook AP, Abbruzzese J, Bergsland EK, Tempero MA. Serum ca 19-9 response as a surrogate for clinical outcome in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with fixed-dose rate gemcitabine. Brit J Cancer, 2005;93(2):195-199.
Ko AH, Tempero MA. The treatment of metastatic pancreatic cancer. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 2005;3(5):627-636.
Ko AH, Tempero MA. Systemic therapy for pancreatic cancer. Semin Radiat Oncol, 2005;15(4):245-253.
Ko AH, Tempero MA. Monoclonal antibodies and other targeted therapies. In: Von Hoff DD, Evans DB, and Hruban RH, eds. Pancreatic Cancer. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2005.
Ko AH, Dito E, Schillinger B, Venook AP, Bergsland EK, Tempero MA. A phase II study of gemcitabine given at fixed-dose rate infusion in combination with low-dose cisplatin for metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. J Clin Oncol, 2006;24(3): 379-385.
Ko AH, Tempero MA. Pancreatic cancer: adjuvant therapy. In: McCulloch, P, Kerr, D, and Ajani, J, eds. Gastrointestinal Oncology: Evidence and Analysis. New York: Informa Healthcare USA, Inc., 2007.
Ko AH, Venook AP, Quivey J, Bergsland EK, Dito E, Schillinger B, Tempero MA. A phase II study of fixed-dose rate gemcitabine plus low dose cisplatin followed by consolidative chemoradiation for locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 2007;68(3):809-816.
Ko AH, Scott J, Tempero MA, Park JW. Detection and significance of circulating tumor cells in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer receiving systemic therapy. J Clin Oncol, 2007; 25(18S):4596. [abstract]
Ko AH, Wang F, Holly EA. Pancreatic cancer and medical history in a population-based case-control study in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Cancer Causes Control, 2007;18(8):809-819.
Ko AH. Future strategies for targeted therapies and tailored patient management in pancreatic cancer. Semin Oncol, 2007;34(4):354-364.
Ko AH, Dito E, Schillinger B, Venook AP, Bergsland EK, Tempero MA. Phase II study of fixed dose rate gemcitabine with cisplatin for metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Cancer Invest, 2008;26(1):47-52.
Wong D, Ko AH, Hwang J, Venook AP, Bergsland EK, Tempero, MA. Serum ca19-9 decline compared to radiographic response as a surrogate for clinical outcomes in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer receiving fixed-dose rate gemcitabine. Pancreas (accepted for publication).
Hingorani SR, Petricoin EF, Maitra A, Rajapakse V, King C, Jacobetz MA, Ross S, Conrads TP, Veenstra TD, Hitt BA, Kawaguchi Y, Johann D, Liotta LA, Crawford HC, Putt ME, Jacks T, Wright CVE, Hruban RH, Lowy AM, Tuveson DA. Preinvasive and invasive ductal pancreatic cancer and its early detection in the mouse. Cancer Cell, 2003;4:437-450.
Hingorani SR, Wang L, Deramaudt TB, Combs C, Multani A, Hruban RH, Rustgi AK, Chang S, Tuveson DA. Trp53R172H and KrasG12D cooperate to promote chromosomal instability and widely metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma in mice. Cancer Cell, 2005;7:469-483.
Tuveson DA, Shaw AT, Willis NA, Silver DP, Jackson EL, Chang S, Mercer KL, Grochow R, Hock H, Crowley D, Hingorani SR, Zaks T, King C, Jacobetz MA, Wang L, Bronson RT, Orkin SH, DePinho RA, Jacks T. Endogenous oncogrenic K-rasG12D stimulates proliferation and widespread neoplastic and developmental defects. Cancer Cell, 2004;5:375-387.
Olive KP, Tuveson DA, Ruhe ZC, Yin B, Willis NA, Bronson RT, Crowley D, Jacks T. Mutant p53 gain of function in two mouse models of li-fraumeni syndrome. Cell, 2004;119:847-860.
Tuveson DA, Zhu L, Gopinathan A, Willis NA, Kachatrian L, Grochow R, Pin CI, Mitin NY, Taparowsky EJ, Gimotty PA, Hruban RH, Jacks T, Konieczny SF. Mist1-KrasG12D knock-in mice develop mixed differentiation metastatic exocrine pancreatic carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res, 2006;66(1):242-247.
Hruban RH, Rustgi AK, Brentnall TA, Tempero MA, Wright CV, Tuveson DA. Pancreatic cancer in mice and man: the Penn workshop, 2005. Cancer Res, 2005;66(1):14-17.