Progress on the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act

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Thanks to our grassroots advocates, the Recalcitrant Cancer Research Act was signed by President Obama in January 2013.  Since then, we have been monitoring implementation carefully and are pleased to report that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) has made some important progress, including releasing four key recommendations and taking specific steps toward implementing those recommendations.

Implementation Progress
Understand the biological relationship between pancreatic cancer and diabetes
  1. NCI held a joint meeting with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) to discuss how to move forward.
  2. As a result of the meeting, NIDDK and NCI are initiating a new consortium that will study chronic pancreatitis, diabetes and pancreatic cancer.
  3. The consortium will include teams that investigate the development of pancreatic cancer in newly diagnosed diabetic patients.
Evaluate screening protocols for biomarkers for early detection of pancreatic cancer and its precursors NCI is expected to release a program announcement (a call for research proposals) by February 2015.
Study new therapeutic strategies in immunotherapy An NCI-sponsored clinical trials network is actively negotiating with pharmaceutical companies to conduct clinical trials with the most promising immunotherapy agents in pancreatic cancer patients.
Develop new treatment approaches that interfere with RAS oncogene-dependent signaling pathways
  1. NCI has launched a new RAS project with significant funding attached under the leadership of Dr. Frank McCormick, a member of our Emeritus Scientific and Medical Advisory Board.
  2. The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network has funded two Fellowships in partnership with NCI’s Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research to help foster this research.