Year-round, PanCAN asks you to share your stories and urge your members of Congress to increase federal funding for pancreatic cancer research – this is why. Today, Congress completed their work on FY23 spending bills to fund federal programs which included funding increases for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). It also included funding for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense (DoD).
Congratulations! This is a direct result of your tireless efforts. All the emails, calls and Tweets worked, and your advocacy paid off big.
Congress heard your calls to action and provided $47.5 billion for the NIH, including $7.32 billion for the NCI. That’s an overall increase of $2.5 billion for the NIH and $408 million for the NCI over the previous year. While we advocated for $49 billion for the NIH, any increase to overall federal funding for cancer research and pancreatic cancer is a win for all!
Another win for the pancreatic cancer community was the inclusion of $15 million for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program at the DoD. Though our ask was for $20 million, this is still a victory because this specific funding is not automatically renewed every year . Remember, our collective advocacy efforts are why the program even exists and continues to be funded each year. Now more researchers will be able to submit funding proposals for breakthrough ideas in pancreatic cancer. Federal funding has demonstrated its worth and will continue to make a significant difference in the lives of pancreatic cancer patients and their families. You made this happen, and we’re so grateful for your dedication.
“I want to thank our PanCAN advocates who made their voices heard on Capitol Hill throughout the year,” PanCAN President and CEO Julie Fleshman, JD, MBA said. “And I’m pleased to see that Congress, once again, has demonstrated its commitment to federally funded pancreatic cancer research.”
This was the eighth straight year of increased funding for NIH. Consistent increases in medical research funding are excellent news for the pancreatic cancer community and the country.
Together, we’re making progress on Capitol Hill, and we can’t thank you enough. Congratulations again on this success. We look forward to working with you in the year ahead so increased funding for pancreatic cancer research remains a priority for Congress.
A message of hope and gratitude from Senator Chris Coons