Throughout National Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials Awareness Month, you’ve received a lot of information. We’ve shared firsthand survivor stories, provided a breakdown of clinical trial phases and outlined steps to consider clinical trials at every treatment decision.
Enrolling in a clinical trial is an important decision, and sometimes it’s hard to know where to start. But you do not have to face this alone.
Our PanCAN Patient Services Case Managers are always here to help you, whether you’re just starting to gather information or if things have changed and you need updated options.
Contact a Case Manager
– Pancreatic Cancer Caregiver
Many patients and their families have said our clinical trials information helped them talk to their healthcare teams. After speaking with a Case Manager, they felt more prepared by knowing what to discuss with their doctors.
– Pancreatic Cancer Patient
Our Case Managers are available to run a search and talk through your personalized clinical trials information. They can provide in-depth details and answer any questions you may have. Then you should discuss the information with your healthcare team to determine if a clinical trial is the right option for you.
Learn more about clinical trials.
You are your own best advocate. The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network strongly recommends that you discuss your treatment goals with your healthcare team and know all of your options at every stage of your disease.