Hello, my name is Elizabeth and I would like to share a story of hope with all of you. The man I love was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer on April 27, 2011. Surgery and radiation were not options due to the cancer being too far advanced. He was only 45 years old.
It was the weekend of my birthday and he showed up at my place to spend it with me; we had only been dating four months. Later that evening we ended up in the emergency room because he began experiencing extreme abdominal pain. The results of the ultrasound showed that he had pancreatic cancer, which was later confirmed by a biopsy. We were shocked. He had recently undergone surgery to repair a hernia, and we thought it was something related to that. The emergency room doctor gave him a prognosis of two to three months. He did not share that with me and I am forever grateful for that!
His tumor marker was at 48,000 and at one point it climbed to 725,000. Most would lose all hope, but not us. We continued to pray and trust God. After eight months of chemotherapy, prayer and love, he was told that he is cancer free, his tumor marker is now at 24 and there are NO TUMORS anywhere! Praise God!!! I love him so very much and he is truly my hero. We had a long and trying year but never gave up hope. God is indeed good!