On June 24, 2007, I turned 45 years old. I had just been diagnosed with diabetes and was starting to itch like crazy for weeks. On July 17, 2007 I had a follow up with my cardiologist and everything looked great, except for this crazy, ugly, “bottled tan” look. My doctor ordered blood work and a CT scan. They found a blockage in my bile duct and recommended an ERCP.
So, on July 24, 2007, I had the ERCP and my doctor found a tumor. He came in to the recovery room and I knew immediately there was something wrong. He said, “I have found a growth, but 10% of the time it is benign.” My husband didn’t understand what he was implying so I calmly turned to my husband and said, “Terry, he is saying I have cancer.”
And this is where my battle began. It was a hard, physically draining war, but I ultimately WON the War! I am almost seven years out from my diagnosis and have been deemed “CURED”! I am totally and completely disease free! God gave me early symptoms, diagnosis, and the world’s greatest doctors on my side. I think each day it is just like the “Footprints in the Sand.” My almighty Lord carried me through when I needed his strength to make it and still be here today!