You Can Create a Legacy
When you include the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in your estate plan, whether it be in your will, living trust or in some other way, you share your lasting values with those you love.
You create a legacy for the future and make a significant impact in the fight against pancreatic cancer.

Gifts that you can make today
Make an immediate impact in the lives of pancreatic cancer patients through donor advised funds, stocks, IRAs and more.

Gifts that make an impact
after your lifetime
Through bequests, life insurance and retirement plans, you can give a gift that lasts.

Use this free estate planning resource to write a legal will at no personal cost, and include the necessary language to create your legacy with PanCAN!
Meet Our Legacy Donors
Donors leave legacy gifts for many reasons. To pay it forward. To live on in the hearts and minds of their loved ones. To continue to support a cause important to them during their lives.

"My legacy gift could mean that one day, the organization's work is no longer needed. Can you imagine?"
— Maija Eerkes, survivor

"I'm leaving a portion of my estate to this cause in honor of my late husband. I'm proud to do this for him and future patients."
— Barbara Maffett, caregiver
Get More Information

I want to see sample will language.
I want to learn about the committed supporters who have named PanCAN as a beneficiary of their estate gift.
I want to join the committed supporters who have left PanCAN in their will.
We're here to help
Please contact us if you have any questions or to request information that may be helpful during estate planning. If you already have made plans to leave a gift for PanCAN in your will, trust or estate plan, please let us know so that we can properly thank you and recognize you as a part of our Micki Love Society.
Contact Esther Roehm, Donor Relations Manager(310) 706-3307
*This information is not intended as legal, accounting or other professional advice. For assistance in charitable planning, always engage the services of a qualified professional.