Nick Kenner, founder and CEO of Just Salad, speaks at PanCAN PurpleStride New York City in 2023.
Editor’s note: Just Salad is returning for its second year as a Premier Sponsor of PanCAN PurpleStride New York City. PurpleStride, PanCAN’s largest national fundraising and awareness event, is taking place on April 27, 2024, in nearly 60 communities across the country.
Just Salad is proud to be a premier sponsor of PanCAN PurpleStride New York City 2024, a cause that is near and dear to Founder and CEO, Nick Kenner.
In 2010, the Kenner family was shocked by the loss of husband and father Peter Kenner, shortly after a diagnosis of neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer. With no obvious risk factors or symptoms of the disease, the quickness of the loss was overwhelming.
“We had no family history, my father didn’t drink or smoke, he was in good shape,” said Nick. “It completely blindsided us.”

The Kenner family
To fight back, the Kenner Family Research Fund was born. Founded by Barbara Kenner, PhD, in honor of her husband, the Kenner Family Research Fund is focused on creating tools to identify early detection methods for the disease. Dr. Kenner is tireless in her leadership and collaboration, active with many patient advocacy organizations and is a current board member of PanCAN and a founding member of the World Pancreatic Cancer Coalition.
The family’s drive and commitment to contribute to their community are equally evident in the success of Nick, founder of Just Salad, the NYC-born brand that started in 2006 with a mission to make everyday health and sustainability possible. Just Salad pioneered the world’s largest restaurant reusable bowl program that avoids nearly 25,000 lbs. of single-use packaging waste per year. As Just Salad continues to expand its footprint, with over 75 locations in seven states (and Dubai), they remain grounded in the local communities they enter.
Just Salad has also supported PanCAN with a Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month cause program, generously donating a portion of sales from a PanCAN signature salad during our November campaign.
“I wanted to contribute to the cause. Just Salad serves hundreds of thousands of customers every month and so many care about making a difference, not just in healthy food or sustainability, but in healthy living overall,” Nick said.
“PanCAN is an amazing organization,” said Ashley Stark Kenner, Nick’s wife. “Our family loves PurpleStride and supporting a great cause.”
“It’s incredibly important to us that we foster genuine connections with our guests and community. Supporting a cause that has personally affected my family, and one that affects so many families, is evidence of that,” said Nick.