#teamPoppy at PurpleStride Virginia Beach 2019
Editor’s note: Please continue to follow the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for up-to-date information and guidelines about coronavirus disease and pay attention to policies and restrictions specific to your state or region as they are constantly evolving. Please also speak with your healthcare team for personalized information and instructions.
Virtual is now reality for much of the country, with more states instituting ‘stay at home’ orders. And when it comes to PurpleStride, virtual is definitely the new purple.
As all PurpleStride events through June transition to virtual PurpleStrides, we’ve got a creative real life example from Virginia Beach of a team adapting to the new normal.
Lindsey Kennedy lost her dad, Gary Ward, in February 2018, ten weeks after diagnosis. Her family had participated in PurpleStride for a couple of years after also losing her grandmother to the disease a decade ago. But after losing her dad so quickly, she knew she wanted to get more involved.
Three years ago, PurpleStride #teamPoppy was born. And this year, #teamPoppy, with multiple PurpleStride Grand Club members including Kennedy, reached Passion Team status AFTER the Virginia Beach PurpleStride announced the transition to a virtual event.

Lindsey Kennedy delivers BBQ with social distancing
How did they do it? BBQ delivery, with proper social distancing!
“This is our 2nd annual BBQ fundraiser. We are fortunate to have some family friends and one of my cousins who make absolutely delicious BBQ,” said Kennedy.
“It’s all done through Facebook. My sisters, brother and I shared the event on our pages, and people placed their orders with us in comments and messages.”
But this year, social distancing began the Friday before the BBQ was scheduled. “Thankfully, everyone was still eager to participate and collect their BBQ,” she said. So, following all guidelines for safety, deliveries were made on schedule.
Payments were made through online apps like Venmo. Kennedy coordinated delivery times so that people would be home for drop-off. She would leave the package on the porch, and then message them that it was there. Others left envelopes with payment at the door.
“It was wonderful how easily it all worked out!” she said.
“The love that we have for our father and our grandmother keeps us inspired year after year. We’ve seen firsthand the importance of increased funding and raising awareness.”
Many of you might already be adapting your fundraising to fit the virtual world. Let us know what you’re doing!
With respect to the current crisis, our mission for the pancreatic cancer community doesn’t stop or slow down. We are grateful for your support as we continue to serve the patients of our pancreatic cancer community.