My name is Amanda, I am 28 and a mother of the greatest four-year old. I also have stage IV acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas that has metastasized to my liver and lungs. I was diagnosed in March, 2012. My treatment consists of two chemotherapy drugs. The treatment has so far removed the tumors from my lungs, shrank those in my liver, and shrank the tumor in my pancreas. It has been stable for the past couple of months.
My inspirations and motivations in life are my loved ones! Especially my son, Mason, and fiancé (Mason’s father), Jeremy! I eat what I crave and want. I found ways to break up my constipation and help bouts of diarrhea by eating certain foods. I rest when my pain and body tells me to, which is often. However, I do get housework done and spend one-on-one time with my child to teach him. He is so smart and talented! His father is wonderfully understanding. Thank you for taking time to read. :)