Today is National Cancer Survivors Day, a time to recognize survivors worldwide and their caregivers who have supported them throughout their journey.
Survivors are valuable sources of information, support, hope and inspiration for those who are still fighting the disease. In celebration of National Cancer Survivors Day, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) shares words of wisdom from both survivors and caregivers. Below are 10 takeaways that range from what they learned on their journey with the disease to their favorite quotes that keep them inspired.
“Pancreatic cancer is another speed bump thrown our way in the road of life. We may slow down but we do not stop living our daily lives.” – Michael
“While the nature of pancreatic cancer encourages immediate action, it is prudent to consider alternatives to standard of care, especially consulting with PanCAN Patient Services for treatment information, including clinical trials.” – Richard
“I want everyone to know that they should advocate for themselves.” – Katy
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” – Christopher Reeve (from Dennis)
“Always get a second opinion.” – Crystal
“Every new day is a beautiful gift. Open each one and find joy, happiness and hope. Let those gifts build strength, courage and healing and wake up every day renewed, refreshed and ready to accomplish great things!” – Lynne
“You are not in this alone, and people do survive this. There are many people – including doctors, nurses, researchers, survivors, patients, the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network – and resources that are available to you. Build your support network and use these resources.” – Scott
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” – Mary Anne Radmacher (from Roberta)
“Being prepared for your appointment is critical to getting the best care.” – Tiffany
“Never, never, never, give up!” – Sir Winston Spencer Churchill (from Diane)
Take a look at this special video featuring members of PanCAN’s Survivor Council.
For more inspiring words from survivors, read some of their other favorite quotes and their survivor stories.