In a significant development, Congress has recently finalized a budget deal that allocates funding for crucial medical research initiatives – this proves that Congress is listening!  

Notably, the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense was funded at $15 million! This is the fifth year in a row the program has been funded, which is not guaranteed. 

Each year it secures funding is a testament to the impact of your advocacy efforts! 

The cumulative result of these endeavors has now reached $66 million in pancreatic cancer-specific research funding since the program’s inception in 2020. Our collective advocacy efforts brought us closer than ever to the desired $20 million. Your ongoing engagement in advocacy remains crucial for realizing this goal in the future. 

Congress committed $47.081 billion to the NIH so it can continue its efforts advancing healthcare and scientific knowledge. Additionally, the NCI received $7.224 billion in dedicated funds aimed at furthering cancer research. While these were not the increases we were advocating for, and do not meet the needs of our patients, these new resources were made possible because of our community taking action. 

Renewed investments at NCI lead to increases for pancreatic cancer research. Since our founding pancreatic cancer funding at NCI has increased 1075%, which is why we continue to push Congress to prioritize research each year.   

Thank you for using your voice on Capitol Hill to help patients with pancreatic cancer thrive. 

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Contact your members of Congress to tell them it is time to pass that budget! Don’t let progress slow down, or even worse, stop. Demand increases for federally funded cancer research – contact your members of Congress now.

2/27/24 Update 

Congress has still not passed the federal budget, and critical research funding, including the House-passed $20 million for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense, remains in limbo. Their new deadline is March 8. 

Your advocacy has been crucial in raising awareness about the importance of prioritizing federally funded pancreatic cancer research, but the delay in finalizing a budget is cause for concern. It is imperative that we maintain the pressure on our members of Congress to ensure that the budget is passed swiftly and includes increased funding for pancreatic cancer research.  

Now, more than ever, your voice can make a significant impact. We urge you to take immediate action by reaching out to your representative and senators again, emphasizing the urgency of supporting the House-approved funding for pancreatic cancer research.  

12/19/23 Update 

As the holiday break has arrived, Congress has officially adjourned without reaching a resolution on the budget deal. Looking ahead to 2024, it is imperative that we sustain our efforts to communicate with and remind Congress about our crucial priority to increase federal funding for pancreatic cancer research.  

The House’s commitment to dedicating $20 million to pancreatic cancer research at the DoD is a commendable step forward, and we urge Congress to prioritize and uphold this allocation in the finalized budget. 

It is our responsibility to underscore the significance of sustained funding for federally funded pancreatic cancer research and we appreciate you, our PanCAN advocates, for your dedication and drive this year and the years ahead. 

9/29/23 Update 

Your advocacy is working! A significant triumph has been achieved as the House of Representatives has allocated $20 million for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense — this is what we’ve been championing!  This accomplishment marks an exhilarating and crucial milestone in our collective mission to advance pancreatic cancer research. 

However, our work is far from complete. The journey toward securing this funding doesn’t end here and we must persistently advocate for its retention and potential expansion as the legislative process unfolds.  

Your unwavering support and activism have proven instrumental in bringing about positive change. Let’s remain steadfast in our commitment to pushing forward until the goals we’ve set are fully realized. Together, we can improve the lives of those affected by this devastating disease.

 5/10/23 Update 

Hundreds of members of Congress are showing up for pancreatic cancer survivors and their loved ones – all thanks to our incredible advocates.

Consider the following:

During our most recent advocacy campaign, we had 110 representatives sign their name on a letter to support increased funding for the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense. This is one-quarter of the House! Nineteen of those signers are new to the cause.

Thirty senators from across the country – one-third of the Senate – signed on as well.

All of this when Congress welcomed over 80 new members, many of whom may have never heard about PanCAN until our advocates shared their stories.

Every single message sent by PanCAN advocates contributed to this strong showing. You’re making progress possible by raising awareness with your elected officials.

And we’re not done yet. Advocacy is a year-round movement. While we’ve done tremendous work to make sure the Pancreatic Cancer Research Program at the Department of Defense is funded for fiscal year 2024, we have to keep the pressure on.

We’re urging Congress to invest $20 million in the program to provide more opportunities for research to improve outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients. This will build on the $15 million for the program you helped to make happen last year.

PanCAN advocates: We need your help. Now is the time to send a follow-up message to your members of Congress to make sure this important program continues to fund high-impact research projects.

We make it easy and will automatically match the right message with the right member of Congress – thanking those who already signed on in support, encouraging those who sit on the key Appropriations Committees to make sure our program gets funded, or continuing to educate those who haven’t taken action yet.

These next few months are critical as Congress will be debating the bills that will ultimately fund the government for the next fiscal year. Remind your members of Congress that we are counting on them to prioritize pancreatic cancer research funding.

Because research leads to new discoveries about the disease, new early detection methods and new treatments. It’s how we change outcomes and end pancreatic cancer for good.

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Contact your members of Congress to tell them it is time to pass that budget! Don’t let progress slow down, or even worse, stop. Demand increases for federally funded cancer research – contact your members of Congress now.